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Building a genuine culture of inclusion & belonging: Why do we need EDIB training?

Movell Dash, EDIB Specialist working for Focal Point Training looks into creating an organisational culture where anyone is welcome.

We are in an era of ever-growing globalisation and the pandemic has shone a very clear light on the increasing need for us to work together. It has also proven that it is easier than many thought for us to work successfully across global boundaries. In this context, understanding each other better and embracing difference and the value it brings has never been more vital.

The economic business case for inclusion has been established and endorsed globally many times over A Boston Consulting Group study, for example, found that companies with more diverse management teams have 19% higher revenues - particularly due to the greater innovation that a mix of experience, thought and background brings.

And there are additional drivers emerging all the time.

A huge challenge for organisations currently is “The Great Resignation” (a mass exodus of people leaving employment post pandemic) and current talent shortage. A 2021 Manpower Group study revealed 69% of companies globally report talent shortages - the highest in fifteen years. So not only will it be harder to find talent in 2022, but organisations will also need to demonstrate they can meet the changing priorities that potential new candidates are looking for. For many, the pandemic has put an emphasis on life priorities that potential new candidates are looking for. For many, the pandemic has put an emphasis on life priorities, such as access to childcare, greater flexibility and support around mental health and this translates to employees desiring to work for companies with strong values and commitments to inclusion.

If we also look at who makes up our workforce, the younger generation will be key. By 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be millennials. This group will occupy the majority of leadership roles over the coming decade. If businesses are looking to hire and sustain a millennial workforce, diversity must be a key part of the company culture.

A Gartner poll suggests that the youngest employees are the most passionate about inclusion and they are more likely to vocalise their passion. They aspire to work for companies that value diversity and are supportive to all. These poll also suggests that Gen Z (those born 1997-2012) want to see action and results - good intentions are not enough. They want to see inclusion actualised at every level - and particularly role modelled by the senior leaders.

US organisation, Great Place to Work, conducted a survey that revealed that Gen Z is likely to be the most diverse workforce so far and they want this reflected in their workplaces. As this group emerges into the workforces. As this group emerges into the workforce, employers will have to show real commitment to EDIB if they are to attract them into their workplaces. They will need to put diversity and inclusion at the forefront of all they do - from defining talent with diversity in mind to managing diverse teams.

Although organisations are investing more than ever before in creating more diverse and inclusive workplaces, many are at the start of that journey and finding their way. A key realisation for many is that an EDIB focus should go beyond recruitment and look also at retention.

To do this, investing in training and development the organisation’s collective knowledge and understanding of EDIB is vital… everyone has a part to play in creating a truly inclusive and welcoming culture.

All these factors show it is imperative that employers build a solid and sustainable genuine culture of inclusion & belonging. Training is one of the key strategies for making this happen.

The approach factors show it is imperative that employers build a solid and sustainable genuine culture of inclusion & belonging. Training is one of the key strategies for making this happen.

The approach Focal Point & Learning Pool have taken to designing the new ED&I / DE&I collection for Learning Pool has been two fold:

  • Laying the foundation: to ensure we all have a shared understanding of what we mean by a diverse and inclusive workforce and what that actually looks like in practice.

  • Actions and behavioural change: to equip all learners to take action to help us achieve great diversity and inclusion.

    This may be practical actions which can be implemented on an individual team and organisations level - often around processes and ways of doing things. But it is also - and this is the critical bit - giving everyone the confidence to have conversations when they are needed and in the appropriate way. This could be helping a manager to know how to step in if inappropriate or discriminatory comments are being made - or supporting all of us to be able to speak up if we, or others around us, feel uncomfortable.

Building confidence in everyone to have conversations, ask questions, and develop understanding of each other will help to shift the dial on inclusion.

We’re not claiming that our training is going to be the answer to all the problems - Training of any sort rarely works in isolation. All training - whether eLearning, virtual or face-to-face - needs to be offered in the context of wider organisational support and commitment.

The real difference will be made when our training is consciously implemented ad linked to all aspects of everyday life. Some simple steps can make a real difference, and don’t worry, we can help with that too in our continuing training resources.

As the research above suggests, for many, patience is wearing thin for stated goals, pledges and charters. They are a vital starting point, but quickly become meaningless if not accompanied by visible action. We have to turn stated intention into concrete action to see real change. And we all have a part to play in making that happen.

Research & Resources


The following quotes are from the final source from World Economic Forum:

“Companies with more diverse management teams have 19% higher revenues fie to innovation."

“By 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be millennials - this group will occupy the majority of leadership roles over the coming decade.”

About Learning Pool

Learning Pool empowers workplaces to deliver extraordinary learning outcomes with its comprehensive suite of innovative technologies. Supporting the evolving ambition of more than 1,400 businesses investing in learning experiences for over 5 million global learners, Learning Pool’s suite provides everything needed to build, manage, and deliver workplace learning.

The company offers an unparalleled customer experience, delivered by more than 400 expert colleagues based in the UK and USA, working to bring each customer's unique vision for learning and development to life.

In the last year, it has featured on 17 eLearning Industry lists for excellence in its field, received Gold at the 2021 Brandon Hall Excellence Awards, for Best Advance in Learning Technology Implementation and double Gold in the Stevie Awards for Outstanding Customer Service. 

Recognized as a Strategic Leader in the Fosway 9-Grid™ for Digital Learning, wherever you find ambitious workplaces investing in their people, you’ll find Learning Pool.

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